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Work at Home

The school policy for homework was developed and agreed by the whole staff in consultation with parents and pupils and has the full agreement of the Governing Body. Homework should never be too onerous nor should it ever create stress within the pupil’s family. If parents have any concerns they should not hesitate to contact the school. Normally, more than one day will be allowed for the completion of a homework task, except where daily practice is to be encouraged e.g. reading, spellings and times table, or when a child is required to complete a task they failed to complete during the school day.  

Google Classroom logo
Homework tasks will be set regularly using our online learning platform, Google Classroom.   To set this up you will need to visit Google Classroom or alternatively you can download the app onto your phone or tablet. 

You will need to use an existing Google account or set up a new one to sign in.  You will be prompted to do so when you visit Google Classrooms.  If your child is already logged into our Google Classroom, you can use the same account to add this classroom.  In either case, you will need to use the following passwords to access your child's classroom when you log in for the first time:

  • Team Courage: qny7zad
  • Team Resilience: iz6tt7e
  • Team Discovery: joodca4
  • Team Endeavour: ltqlfx5
  • Team Equality: oz4pimo
  • Team Endurance: 37uw4bu

Homework tasks will vary but may include:

  • Number bonds cards, to develop speed of recall of number bonds and tables.
  • Times Tables practise- this may take to form of practise cards, multiplication speed grids, directed tasks on Times Tables Rockstars, etc…
  • Worksheet type activities.
  • Reading either individual reading book or sections of a guided reading book.
  • Book reviews / directed reading tasks.
  • Comprehension questions- linked to the children’s reading.
  • Speaking and listening activities.
  • A visit to somewhere locally to find out about something.
  • Spellings- children will be given lists of words to learn.
  • Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation practise activities.
  • Short writing tasks.

We would always encourage parents to help children with their homework, however, if your child would like help from a teacher, please ensure that they bring it in before the deadline.