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Team Resilience

Writers at work

This week, in Team Resilience, the children have worked together to produce super sentences using ISPACE starters.

Using their growing knowledge of verbs, similes, prepositions, adverbs and conjunctions, they have created poems and descriptions that truly are ... out of this world!  Excellent effort, everyone. ISPACE

Kilburn Junior School Climate Change Exhibition

This term's Lower School topic at has been rounded off in spectacular fashion this week with our climate change exhibition which opened on Wednesday 16th February.  Superb pieces of art, interactive displays, music, poetry, special guests, a letter from the Prime Minister and an amazing interview broadcast on the Radio Derby breakfast show all combined to create another truly memorable event led by our fantastic pupils. 

Our exhibition will be open to parents before and after school on Thursday and Friday (17th and 18th February).  Don't miss it!

Click her to hear the truly inspirational interview given by Tiana and Flynn in Team discovery.  

Click on the image below to view a gallery of the event.



Year 3 and 4 Dodgeball Competition

Congratulations to the Year 3 and 4 children who competed in the Amber Valley School Sports Partnership dodgeball competition on Tuesday evening.  They certainly had a lot of fun and we are all very proud of the sportsmanship and determination that they displayed during the competition.  They played magnificently and finished the evening as runners up.  Well done Team Kilburn!


Lower School Dodgeball



Year 3 trip to Creswell Crags

On Wednesday 17th November, our Year 3 experienced their first trip at Kilburn Junior School and what a trip it was!  They stepped back through 50,000 years of Human history to experience what life was like in Ice Age Britain.  They enjoyed building shelters, learning how to hunt for wild animals using a spear and how to start a fire using flint and iron pyrites!   They also learned about different types of rock and how they are formed.

They then visited a cave where evidence of Stone Age Humans has been discovered and they learned all about the wild beasts that roamed there during the Ice Age.  They even held a stone axe that is over 40,000 years old!  

To see some images from this fantastic day out, please click on the picture below. IILB8896

Terrific Tables

It has been great to see Team Resilience exploring many of the ways in which to learn their times tables and related division facts. From Hit the Button, to TTRockstars and creating our own arrays with the pegs and boards, we have certainly started well. Nine children have successfully completed their Bronze Award, and a huge shout out to Oscar who achieved his Silver today. Well done for working hard at home to learn these, as well as in school!



Achievement Assembly Winners

Well done to the recipients of certificates in today's Achievement Assembly. Another positive week in school ended with the children recognised by their teacher for their hard work in Maths this week.



Lower School trip to Bosworth Battlefield

Last Thursday and Friday, our Lower School children walked in the footsteps of King Richard III and King Henry VII when we visited Bosworth battlefield.  

We learned about the events of that day, the men who fought in the battle and the weapons that were used.  We even took part in a training exercise led by a member of the fantastic team of volunteers who helped to make this one of our most memorable trips to date.

I would like to say a big thank you to all of the children who represented our school superbly and to our staff and parent helpers who did a great job in helping the day run as smoothly as possible.

Please take some time to look at a selection of photographs below and let us know what you think in the comments section!

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Resilience Rewarded!

Team R. celebrated filling their marble jar, after all their hard work this half-term, with a Teddy Bears' picnic in our beautiful courtyard garden.

The weather was kind to us and we were able to enjoy some sunshine, share stories about our bears, and of course ... eat cake!



Stepping back in Time

It has been an exciting Egyptian day in the Lower School. From pharaohs to princesses, gods with their slaves, and even camels and pyramids, what a brilliant effort to conclude our Ancient Egyptian topic!

Well done to you all. We hope you enjoyed your day as much as we did.



Laya's Fairy Garden

Yesterday, after completing her school work ( and presenting it beautifully too! ) Laya created her own fairy garden and has left in the woods for everyone to enjoy. See if you can spot it when you are out and about on one of your walks!
