Safeguarding for our Boys and Girls
Keeping children safe is the most important part of life at school and we do our best to make the school as safe as possible.
We talk about ways of staying safe in lessons, assemblies and sometimes through visitors to school such as the NSPCC, the police or fire service.
Sometimes, things happen in life that can be worrying or upsetting and we would like to know if you are ever worried or upset about something so please tell us.
We all have a responsibility to look after each other and in each classroom we have our guide to keeping each other safe, which was written by pupils for pupils. This can be read by clicking on the link below.
If you are worried about something or someone and would like to speak to a trusted adult in school, please click on the image below and complete the form- its really simple and not scary- remember we are here to help. Alternatively, you can also call ChildLine, free of charge or click on the image for a link to their website, where you will find advice on what to do if you are worried about someone or something.
Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone who has contact with a child or young person, including staff, governors, volunteers and parents.
At Kilburn Junior School we aim to protect children using national, local and school child protection procedures, and work in partnership with the Derbyshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Team.
All Staff, and anyone who has contact with a child or young person, has a clear understanding of abuse and neglect in all forms; including how to identify, respond and report. This also includes knowledge on the process for allegations against professionals.
Staff, governors, volunteers and parents should feel confident that they can report all matters of safeguarding in the school, where the information will be dealt with swiftly and securely, following the correct procedures and with the safety and well-being of the children in mind at all times.
Should you have a concern about the safety or well-being of a child, please speak to our school designated safeguarding leads, Mr Hull or Mrs Goodwin, or speak to the school office.
To view our school Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, please click the following link: https: KJS Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
As a school, we engage with partners to help safeguard our pupils. As a partner, we work with the Derby City and Derbyshire Safeguarding procedures.
For further information about the safeguarding procedures, please click on the link below.
Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership
Online Safety
Children are spending more and more time online both in school and when they are at home.
The internet is an important part of every child’s life and keeping our pupils safe when they are online is really important to us.
#DITTO is a free online safety newsletter in PDF format for schools, colleges, organisations and parents to keep you up to date with online safety risks, issues, advice and guidance related to keeping children safe online, with a view to enjoying and learning about technology
To read the most recent addition of #DITTO, please lick on the link below:
Parent's Guide to a Better internet is another booklet to help parents to help their children have a positive experience when they are online.