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Team Equality

Magna Science Adventure Centre

The children of Upper School have had a great day out at Magna Science Adventure Centre today braving earth, fire, water and air in their pursuit of science! They also spent time experimenting with rockets and balloons to find out how to beat the force of gravity using Newton's third law of motion and a bit of vinegar and bicarbonate soda. It all ended with a some fun on the brilliant play area as a treat for being so fantastically well behaved! Well done for a great day, Upper School!




Click on the images above for some of the photos from today.


RAF Cosford

The children of Upper School have been studying WWII over the past few weeks and, yesterday, visited RAF Cosford near Telford. The trip was a brilliant experience for the children who got to see, firsthand, some of the most famous planes to have ever been built from across both world wars and into the modern era too. They were also able to get a better understanding of how the end of World War II impacted the world in the amazing Cold War exhibit. What a brilliant day!  

RAF Cosford Cover

Click on the image above for some more pictures from the day!

National Space Centre Trip!

What a day! The children of upper school have been to Leicester today to visit the amazing National Space Centre in support of their topic 'What Lies Beyond?'. The exhibits in the galleries really were out of this world and the children spent the day learning all about the solar system, black holes, the constellations and how the scientific community of the world has come together to explore the stars. Click on the image below to see some pictures from the day.

Space Centre Trip Cover Photo

Clothes Swap and 'No New June'!

Many thanks to all the children and parents who came to the Upper School's Fast Fashion Clothes Swapping event. It was great to see so many pre-loved clothes finding a new home rather than going to landfill, as we found out they so often do. The children learned a lot over the unit of work, and have hopefully been inspired to exercise their power as a consumer to make more ethical choices like a concerned Global Citizen.  

Final Event

In the spirit of the event, many parents and children also 'signed up' to take part in Upper School's 'No New June' initiative. This is a commitment to not buy any new clothes during the month of June but to explore more sustainable options. The children were really passionate about this and did a wonderful job advertising this idea with badges, stickers and slogans. I hope everyone's 'No New June' is going well! 

No New June

Ultimate skills are stacking up!

During this term, Team Equality have been exploring invasion games through Ultimate Frisbee. They have developed their hand eye coordination to throw a backhand throw and catch the disc safely. The children have also learned how to stack up to help create structure for the offensive team within a game scenario. It has been brilliant to see the children enjoying the opportunity to develop new skills and apply prior knowledge of invasion games to aid their movement. Some of the Y6 children have even shared this knowledge during their mini leader lunchtime activities. Well done and keep up the great attitude! 

Ultimate combo - website1


Separating Materials

Earlier this week, the children Y5 and 6 worked like scientists. A supermarket lorry had accidentally mixed up different food items and they needed to separate the different materials to help the store. Fortunately, we were able to use sieving, filtering, magnetic attraction and evaporation to separate the materials successfully.  Well done team!

Science - combo image

Viking Coronation

To support all the hard work they have put into their topic around the Vikings, upper school held a special Viking ceremony to crown the new "King Hiccup Horrible Haddock III" today. The children all got into the spirit of the day, preparing songs, a play and a dramatic retelling of a raid on the Monastery on Lindisfarne. The children demonstrated their fantastic learning and also had a lot of fun too. As you will see from the pictures, the children all looked fantastic in their Viking costumes...


Click on the link above to see some more pictures of the day!

Super Shading

Last half term, Upper School developed their drawing skills. In the final week, the children drew their own portraits of Charles Darwin.

Inspired by our learning, Letty decided to draw some of her own pictures at home and tried really hard to consider how she shaded different parts to create the best effect. I'm sure you'll agree that her drawings are impressive and very detailed! Well done, Letty!


Dragons invade the classroom!

This term, Team Equality are reading 'How to Train a Dragon' by Cressida Cowell. This morning they met a rare Sluggish Sky dragon and then learned how to make a dragon using plasticine.

The children did a truly outstanding job of creating their own dragons. Their creativity was marvellous, they listened carefully to top tips and were very careful with all of the resources too. They really blew all the staff in class away! 

We haven't got around to training the dragons just yet but I'm sure we'll get there soon...

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Musical melodies

This afternoon, Upper School explored different time signatures and rhythms through 'The Piglet Polka'. We spoke about the importance of maintaining a steady tempo and playing the notes to their full length. The children worked together to improve their overall sound. It has been brilliant to see them showing good progress and improved understanding each week, within their lessons. Well done!

Music jsax