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A high standard of behaviour is expected at all times from all the children.  It is important that children realise their responsibilities and honour them.  To be polite, courteous, and of good conduct is essential and necessary if children are not to put themselves and others at risk.  We aim, with parents as partners, to foster self-discipline as the best and most effective form of discipline since, when fully operational, it serves as a deterrent to unacceptable behaviour in the absence of adults.  We try to deal with all misdemeanours on a fair but firm basis.  We can only hope to modify behaviour that is socially unacceptable by a consistent approach within the school.  We therefore rely heavily on parental co-operation in order to achieve a comfortable and secure school community environment which enables everybody to thrive.  There is a Whole-School Behaviour Policy, copies of which are received during parental visits to the school prior to their child joining us.

Most importantly we recognise that discipline comes from within the individual.  It is therefore important that a positive approach is adopted and that the school ethos conveys a caring and responsible attitude.  It is our policy to praise and reward children and to recognise their individuality.  To this end a wide range of stickers, certificates and ‘prizes' are available to encourage good behaviour and attitudes towards work and other people in school.