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Team Courage

Lower School Indoor Athletics

This week, 12 of our year 3 and 4 children represented our school at the Amber Valley Sports Partnership indoor athletics competition at Alfreton Leisure Centre. All of the boys and girls did themselves and our school proud whilst demonstrating the qualities of sportsmanship that we teach here at Kilburn Junior School. Well done everyone! 



Kilburn Junior School harvest food collection

Here at Kilburn Junior School, we'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who made a donation to our Kilburn Junior School harvest food collection this week.

All of the donations were collected by Salcare of Heanor on Tuesday morning and they were certainly very grateful for all of your donations too.  Salcare offer a range of support to our local community.  A statement on their website says that, 'We help anyone in need, whether they have been referred to us by organisations such as social services, the police, domestic abuse services or job centres.'

If you need to access any of the help offered by Salcare, visit their website for more information.

Thank you once again for all of your support.

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Achievement Assembly Winners

Well done to the boys and girls who received certificates and awards in today's Achievement Assembly.  It has been a really positive end to another great week here at Kilburn Junior School.

10th May

Cadbury World Visit 2024

Our Lower School children had a wonderful experience when they visited Cadbury World last Thursday (25th April).  Upon arrival, they learned about the importance of our rainforests and their role in producing cocoa beans.  After this, they learned about the history of chocolate, the company, how chocolate is made and of course, they were able to enjoy a taster too!

After a 4D cinema experience and a quick play in the adventure playground, it was time to go home.  I think the children will agree that this was one of our best school visits ever! 

Click on the image below to see some pictures of our amazing day out.



Save Kidsley Park Farm

As part of of our English topic, our lower school children enjoyed a visit from Amanda Paget on Tuesday.  She spoke in great length about a proposed solar farm at Kidsley Park Farm in Smalley.  

Amanda Paget visit

The children have been learning about the different opinions people have on the issue.  They have also considered some of the environmental impacts that the solar farm may bring to the area.  Visit Save Kidsley Park Farm to find out how you can help support farmer Andrew Dakin.

A special thank you once again to Amanda Paget for taking the time to talk to our children.

Going Live with Safer Internet Day, February 6th, 2024

All children across the school took part in the Safer Internet Day, Live Lesson, today.

Safer Internet Day

This year the focus was exploring changes online, including:

  • Young people’s perspective on new and emerging technology such as AI
  • Using the internet to make change for the better
  • The changes young people want to see online
  • The things that can influence and change the way young people think, feel and act online and offline

A special thank-you to Team Courage for sharing and presenting their information posters, with confidence and understanding!


Super Scientists

What a great way to start the new term! A day devoted to super science and finding out about electricity and climate change.

Team Courage send a huge thank you to Mr Goodburn, whose expertise was utilised to bring the subject to life, exploring not only how we generate electricity but how carbon enters the atmosphere and impacts on the environment. We look forward to finding out how the role we play can have a positive impact on the world around us.


Super Science

Team Courage's Big Read

Thank you all for attending Team Courage's Big Read session.

It was lovely to see so many family members reading with their children. We hope you had a great time.

Big Read sessions will run every Wednesday from 8:40 so please come along!


Litter picking in the local area

As part of our Lower School topic, 'How do we protect our environment?' the children in Year 3 and 4 have been exploring the amount of litter present in our local environment.  It's fair to say that they were suprised at how much they found in just ten minutes.


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Creative Computing and Data Handling

In Year 3, we have explored the purpose of data collection, looking at different types of questionnaires, including those created for us online. 

Today, we worked in teams to develop a set of questions that would help us improve aspects of our school life, including:

  • looking at our favourite subjects and what we would like to have the opportunity to do more of, 
  • identifying suggestions for additions to our dinner menu,
  • suggesting possible sports clubs for the summer term.
