What a lovely week we have had in TB...from -7 last week to +10 this week! Tropical!
Lower School have started their sessions with a sound challenge - 10 different sounds...could they identify what was making each? We had a drill, a saw, a cable-tie...they all did really well!
We discussed how incredible it was that our brains could identify and remember what different sounds were! Following this, we explored the wood and found things that made a sound that we liked...we then set up an impromptu junk band!
After an HC and bicci, we corouselled round the challenges set last week: instrument making, Invisible drama, music composition, fossil making and ear collage.
Upper School started their sessions by considering 'equality'...we read an extract from an article that explained what equality and inequality were and then discussed our thoughts about this.
We then played the 'Equality Game'...in five teams of four, children had to race to collect as many cones as they could from around the field...following this warm up, four of the teams were given a disability and the game was re-run: team one had no disability, team two had to collect cones that were a long way away, team three had to drag a tyre with them, team four wore black-out glasses, and team five had to crawl!
Obviously, team one won, and we used this experience to explore our feelings around equality and how it might feel for people who lived with permanent disability.
We then had a HC and bicci before carouselling around map making, mallet crafting and owl art.