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This week in TB - WC 06/01/25

From the goblins and munchkins...HAPPY NEW YEAR!

It's been a chilly one this week, but we've been wrapped up well and have made the most of the winter weather!


We've started sessions with a talk about safety around frozen ponds, before heading over to our pond and smashing the ice...this is a favourite thing for all classes to do (and even Mrs B had a go with the ice hammer today and came away with a big smile on her face).  


Interestingly, Mr Heron was seen on the pond, and he left his footprints all over the ice - we discussed how frustrating it must be for him at this time of year, being able to see his prey right under his feet but finding himself unable to catch it!


Following this, Lower School children have been exploring sounds around the school site (linked to their Science topic), and have thought about what memories and emotions these sounds bring back to them.  

We then undertook five challenges: drama linked to their class book, The Invisible; making a rattling musical instrument; studying Mary Anning before making and finding fossils; learning about the ear and making a labelled collage of it; composing a narrated piece of music to represent a typical TB session.  

Upper School have started their sessions by considering inclusion and community...we looked at 12 images that represented these concepts and discussed our thoughts on these while enjoying a lovely hot chocky.  

After, we undertook three challenges: mallet making; relief-owl art (embossing); community map making.  



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