Classes have started sessions this week with a challenge to support writing in the classroom - they had to choose four objects from around the wood and then use word-banks to write 6 descriptive lines about each object.
Objects were labelled 1 - 4 and another team had to read the descriptions and match them to the objects...simples! It was great seeing the children using the word-banks to support with words for shape, feel, colour and material properties.
Lower School have carried on with their Ghanian bead-masks, tried their hand at leaf rubbing, explored the flowers (we also found a lovely frog - can you spot it in the photos?) or added daub to the round house.
Upper School children have begun completing their Maya swords, some have made us a TB mosque (supporting RE back in the classroom - they had to include all the features discovered in lessons and present models to the rest of the group), others foraged for edible flora and made a soup and omelette (nettles, wild-garlic, broad-leaf plantain, cleavers, Jack by the hedge and hawthorn), with a final group decoupaging a board with grass, shoreline and ocean in preparation for making a scale model of the Maya city of Tulum.