Wow - sunny and warm in's been awesome! Funny to think that two weeks ago we were wrapped up and cold and this week we need sun hats!
All sessions have started this week with a variation on leaf-hunting - these have been undertaken to develop our understanding of nature and to support the development of writing.
The children had to use a map to orienteer round 15 different trees and make observations of their leaves - some had to match adjectives to the leaves and others had to write little descriptions of them. We then used ID sheets to name the trees the leaves belonged to.
Following this, children in Lower School undertook three new challenges: Flower Power - supporting work in science, children explored the flowers we have on the school site, noting colours and parts - they then made labelled collages of the flowers they had found; African Masks - we looked at masks from Ghana (linked to current chocolate topic) and other African countries and read information about them - we focused in on Ghanian bead masks and have started making our own using clay and glass beads; Leaf Rubbings - further exploration of the leaves in our wood, taking rubbings and adding paint dots for effect.
Upper School have carried on with their Maya swords and cooking...many swords are now finished and children should be bringing them home soon!